LBS and Disciple Training

Louisville Bible Study (LBS) is a group of Volunteering Christians who have spent years walking with the Lord and being in prayer, meditation and study in order to seek out the deeper truths of God. We have, as a group, become concerned that a large majority of self professed Christians are not armed with the proper Biblical truths of God's Holy Word and therefore, do not possess the necessary foundational truths about the God of the Bible.

We see this as a potential disaster for the Church as a whole, as each generation becomes more and more inundated with nonfactual and untruthful theologies and information. To know the deeper truths of the word of God and what He has revealed about Himself, His Creation, Mankind's part in His divine plan and His absolute sovereignty over all things - is to be armed with power and unshakable faith in very turbulent times.

There is now, more than ever before in our history, a very concerted, well funded and organized effort to remove God and the Biblical Truth completely out of our society. At all levels of the Government, the Media and the so called "real science" establishment, a focus effort to make the Lord irrelevant and to deceive this generation and the generations to come. If they are to succeed in this effort, the results would be catastrophic and beyond disastrous and so we obey the call of God and fight the battle of the Lord.

"For the Word of our God stands forever"

We will have a series of Bible Studies that are designed to arm you with this knowledge and to give the weaponry you need in order to serve a successful disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are completely focused on making His word easier to understand, comprehend and to get through. This is why we will have Text, Images, Audio and Video to help you through each study.

If you are in the Louisville area or are visiting, you are more than welcome to join us in one of our physical Bible Study classes as well.

In Christ, LBS Volunteers